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The face
behind the posts

Hello! My name is Lisa Bray and I am so happy you are here! 


I started writing as a kid in various diaries, journals, the school newspaper, whatever I could to just get my voice heard. When I entered high school, I was praised by all my teachers for how well I wrote and the creativity behind it. In fact, my senior year English teacher gave his first 100% of the year in March 2004 to me on a paper I wrote about my Great-Grandfather. I was so honored, he spoke so highly about the paper, he ended up reading it to the class and then I read it at Papa's funeral (you can find the unabridged paper under "92 Years of History" in the blog). Then my world was shaken when I was writing my undergrad thesis on apartheid; I was told my writing was "too creative" and that academic writing needed to be "boring". Shocked to my core, I didn't know what to write. I only knew creative writing! Though I was thrown off by this, it gave me the insight to see that I really was a creative writer and was determined to be anything but boring after that.


The time has finally come for me to share my poems, my short stories, my creativity with the world and be true to myself and what I know. I hope you enjoy, I hope you feel inspired, I hope something reaches you on a deep level and I hope you follow along as I continue to grow here, there and everywhere.




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