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I get seduced by your eyes, your stare, the way you look at me stops me in my tracks.

It stops my heart and you take my breath away because I am so taken back by you.

It is like you have put a spell on me and I cannot shake it.

Your gentle voice when you say "Hi," makes me melt, completely melt, and I just want to fall into your arms, your hands around me, holding me tight.

And when you do ,I melt more into you.

You are my forbidden fruit.

The one I want and cannot have. It makes me want you more.

You are the one that has a presence over me, that radiates over and around me, captivating me where nothing else matters or exists.

The way you walk over to me slowly stops me dead in my tracks. I cannot move. I am cemented to wherever I am, until your lips graze mine and I am suddenly light as a feather, floating on cloud nine.

Your smile makes my heart flutter and senses the happiest feeling to and throughout my soul.

You have been a secret love of mine for so long and to be without you, to see you struggle, takes the life out of me. I need your touch. I need your taste. I need to look so deep into your beautiful dark eyes and get lost in them forever.


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I'm Lisa and I love to write. I am inspired by real life, imagination, dreams and you!

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